Quality Assurance
KU Quality Assurance
As a universal fact, Quality is a distinctive attribute and essential traits via which an organization can ensure the enhancement and maintenance of its education.
Quality reflects an ongoing process which is building and sustaining relationships among all the concern parties by assessing, anticipating and implied needs
The recent, vivid endeavors of the Ministry of higher education are to enhance and improve the overall quality of education that relies on national and international educational policies, plainly affect the overall performance of Institutions and students’ achievements and are praise able.
Quality enhancement is a continuous process, KU‘s Quality assurance and Accreditation Coordination Office is a regular and constituent part of its academic process. This part of KU‘s working on realizing the aims, and strategic goals in conformance with its established Vision and Mission.
To ensure the quality of Education and improve the standards of academia, KU is keen to play its vital role in the development of the society by rendering quality services and skillful graduates to the Afghan and world society by establishing the quality assurance and accreditation office with specific objectives.
- To be a competent rival and contender with national and international University
- Getting Accreditation from MOHE
- Monitoring and evaluation of University and Faculties’ academic affairs
- Applying all the MOHE Quality assurance and Accreditation office policies and procedure of MOHE
- Implementing all the international Standards on Quality assurance
- Financially and Non-financially praising and Motivation of Academician According to the Quality assurance process.
- Dissemination and Implementation of new MOHE and Quality assurance Directorates’ developmental, instructing, research and assurance standards in the university.